According to IDEA and the CT guidelines for occupational therapy and physical therapy, students must be eligible for special education to receive a related service. The related service (i.e. occupational and/or physical therapy) must be necessary for the student to benefit from their education.

The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact refers to the person/s responsible for sending referrals to the Extension Therapy Services office.

Occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) are special education related services and are given when necessary to support the IEP. General education students can be referred to assist the team in determining their eligibility for special education.

Those students already eligible for special education and having challenges in the areas of safety, mobility, access (PT); sensory issues, fine/visual motor skills, or self care (OT) impacting their ability to benefit from their education may be referred for an assessment.

OT and/or PT Referral for Assessment:

  • Special education team will complete the appropriate grade level OT and/or the PT Assessment Criteria Sheets to determine areas of concern, include classroom samples if OT is indicated
  • Building PPT chair will schedule a PPT to recommend testing and obtain parental permission
  • After the PPT, the PPT chair will send a copy of the following to the District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact :
    • ACES ETS Referral Form indicating “Evaluation/Assessment” for OT and/or PT
    • Signed Notice and Consent to Conduct an Initial Evaluation with OT/PT indicated
    • Page 2 (List of PPT recommendations) o OT/PT Assessment Criteria Sheets
    • At least 2 classroom samples (If an OT evaluation is indicated)
    • The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact will forward the above mentioned to the ACES ETS Office using one of the following methods:
      • Fax: 203-407-4528
      • Mail: Send to ACES-Extension Therapy Services, SDA Building, 205 Skiff Street, Hamden, CT 06517
      • Email: ETSSECR@aces.org (ETS office staff only)
  • ETS staff will schedule and complete assessment(s) and will contact the PPT chair to schedule a PPT. (Assessment and draft IEP, if appropriate, are submitted and reviewed at the PPT; a PPT must be convened to review the assessment results.)

​​​​​​​OT and/or PT Referral for Continuation of Services-Students Transferring into the LEA with a current IEP:

  • If a student enters the district with an active OT and/or PT IEP for the current academic year, the PPT chair should forward the following to The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact:
    • ACES ETS Referral Form indicating “Continue Services” for OT and/or PT with service frequency noted; PT services require Primary Physician information to be filled out in the space provided at the bottom of the Referral Form
    • Page 2 (List of PPT Recommendations)
    • Goal pages (Page 7 - specifically goal pages for OT and/or PT, specifically gross/fine motor, self-help and other)
    • Page 8 (Accommodations and Modifications)
    • Page 11 (Related Services Frequency)
    • The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact will forward the above mentioned to the ACES ETS Office using one of the following methods:
      • Fax: 203-407-4528
      • Mail: Send to ACES-Extension Therapy Services, SDA Building, 205 Skiff Street, Hamden, CT 06517
      • Email: ETSSECR@aces.org (ETS office staff only)
  • ACES ETS staff activates services upon receipt of the referral



Students with a diagnosis of having a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity, such as self care, walking, seeing, hearing, working, and performing manual tasks, may be referred by the educational team members for an OT and/or PT assessment to determine if a 504 Modification/Strategy Plan is needed or for continuation of services that are in included in a student’s plan.

OT and/or PT Referral for Assessment:

  • A copy of the following must be forwarded to The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact:
    • ACES ETS Referral Form indicating “Evaluation/Assessment” for OT and/or PT
    • A copy of the Accommodation Plan including parent/guardian consent
  • The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact will forward the above mentioned to the ACES ETS Office using one of the following methods:
    • Fax: 203-407-4528
    • Mail: Send to ACES-Extension Therapy Services, SDA Building, 205 Skiff Street, Hamden, CT 06517
    • Email: ETSSECR@aces.org (ETS office staff only)
  • ETS staff will schedule and complete assessment(s) and will contact the 504 Coordinator to schedule a meeting. (Assessment and draft plan, if appropriate, are submitted and reviewed at the meeting; a 504 meeting must be convened to review the assessment results.)

OT and/or PT Referral for Continuation of Services-Students Transferring into the LEA with a current 504 Accommodation Plan:

  • A copy of the following must be forwarded to The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact:
    • ACES ETS Referral Form indicating “Continue Services” for OT and/or PT
    • A copy of the Accommodation Plan
  • The District and/or School’s Designated OT/PT contact will forward the above mentioned to the ACES ETS Office using one of the following methods:
    • Fax: 203-407-4528
    • Mail: Send to ACES-Extension Therapy Services, SDA Building, 205 Skiff Street, Hamden, CT 06517
    • Email: ETSSECR@aces.org (ETS office staff only)
  • ACES ETS staff activates services upon receipt of the referral
Revised 07/10/17

Download Referral Procedures