ACES at Chase Student Support Services Team

Our goal is to help every student achieve success in academic, career, personal and social areas.

Contact us - We're here to help

Stop Cyber Bullying

Most parents these days have had to address online bullying behavior, either directed towards their child or even initiated by their child.  Such behavior may include swearing, insults, negative gossip, pictures/videos, and other harassing acts.  The following links can help parents talk with their children about “online drama,” and provide guidelines for managing the technology that your kids access at home & school.

Resource Guide for online drama                Technology Rules for Families

Evelyn Huertas


Social Worker

Melanie Login



School Psychologist

Pamela Caehill



School Counselor

Grade 8

Stephen Makein


School Counselor

Grade 6

Lauren Mancini


School Counselor

Grade 7

Jen Ortiz



School Counselor Role

School Counselors are certified trained professionals who work with all students, school staff, families and members of the community as an integral part of the education program. School Counselors in the state of Connecticut address the needs of ALL students through the implementation of a Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Program. Counselors deliver Developmental Guidance classroom lessons and provide individual and small group counseling on a variety of topics. We consult and collaborate with teachers, staff and families to understand and meet the needs of students and remove barriers to student learning.

ACES at Chase School Counselors:

  • Provide transition activities such as 5th Grade Orientation and High School Presentations
  • Counsel students in individual and small group settings
  • Implement Developmental Guidance classroom lessons for all students, grades 6-8
  • Consult and collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents, community organizations and agencies
  • Provide crisis intervention for students
  • Advocate for student success

Students and parents are encouraged to contact their School Counselor for assistance and to discuss any concerns that they may have.

School Social Worker Role

The social worker in the middle school supports students’ academic and social success by working with the guidance and support staff, providing specialized services that include:

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Crisis intervention for students and families
  • Substance abuse prevention & awareness activities
  • Case management for students with multiple needs
  • Intervention services for students with attendance & disciplinary issues
  • Assistance for students in developing advocacy skills
  • Referrals for community resources
  • Liaison between school & community agencies

The social worker provides intensive services for students experiencing multiple risk factors to support educational success. Students and families receive assistance in obtaining resources within the school and community. The social worker is part of the comprehensive educational team of the school, working with other disciplines to provide the best educational experience for all students.

School Psychologist Role

The psychologist’s role in the middle school involves consulting with school staff, parents and students regarding any academic, emotional, social or behavioral needs that may arise. The psychologist helps to guide the school intervention process, from classrooms to individual students. The school psychologist provides counseling and crisis intervention services, and acts as a liaison to community supports and services. As a member of the Child Study Team and the school Planning and Placement Team, the psychologist helps to determine what level of services are necessary, including but not limited to:

  • academic/cognitive assessments
  • intensive instruction
  • functional behavior assessments, and/or
  • behavior plans